2019 Events Programme
Style Events & Open Walk are Interclub events
Non-members welcome at all events (estimate your own time)
All events to start promptly at 9.30 a.m. unless stated otherwise.
Seniors include M19 and W19. Veterans are aged 60+.
All competitors to register 15 minutes before event with Race Officials.
Every course will be accurately measured.
Events in Italics are for information only and are not part of our programme.
Roads are open at all times & traffic has Right of Way.
Club Captain will check with and remind all members of this prior to each event.
Club fees must be paid prior to the Norm Read Memorial Race.
Club uniform must be worn by all club members at Club events, the Centre Champs and outside events where club trophies or points
are awarded
Distances for juniors will be altered on the day to suit ages of juniors attending.
If you have any problems with regards any member’s walking, please express your concerns to Brian O’Shea.
7 April
Pukekura Wind Up
Rogan St carpark, NP
S 5km
14 April
Serena’s Sprint
Little Lepper Rd, Ingwd
S 10km, V 5km, J 1 & 3km
race Eric’s time i.e. no watches – estimate your start time to finish with Eric – Erics est 24hrs prior
+ 5km option
28 April
BB Burn UP
½ reverse
Swans Rd, BB
S 10km, V 5km, J 1&3km
12 May
Norm Read
CHC/Est + Style
Kaimata St, NP
S 10km, V 5km, J 2 & 5km
double pts - Est (no watches) + closed HC
26 May
Gibbons Time Trial
HC + Style
S 10km, V 5km, J 1&3km
15 June
Taranaki Open Walk
Kaimata St *detail TBC*
S 20km, 15km, 10km, (J 2, 3, 5km or relay?)
– incl Juniors event with money/voucher prizes for participation Junior Event details *TBC*
23 June
Day 1 Club Champs
Mass + style
Mamaku Rd, Waitara
S 5km, 80+ 3km,J 1&3km
mass start + closed handicap for points trophy
7 July
Ivor’s Gut Buster
Oakura + 5km option
S 10k, V 5km
97 Messenger Tce
MaryAnne's place at Oakura
21 July
1 hour estimated distance walk on the TET track at Inglewood
27 July
Halcombe Relay
teams + team pts
Halcombe Hall
interclub participation event
at event
4 August
Fox Trot
Katane Rd, Normanby
(S 10km, V 5km, J 1&3km)
18 August
Day 2 Club Champs
end of The Links drive
S 10km, 80+ 5km, J 2&3km
mass start + closed handicap for points trophy 
25 August
Tony’s Trot
Onaero + 5km option
S 10km, V 5km, J 1&3km
31 August
Taranaki 10km Road Champs

10km A&B, 5km Bgrade
8 September
Bell Block Walk/Relay?
*TBC* Est?
de Havlon Drive
**format TBC*
Dave B’s
14 September
National Road Champs

S 10km, J 5km
22 September
Stratford Saunter
HC + team pts
Pembroke Rd
S 10km, V 5km, J 1&3km
Any Enquires contact Brian O’Shea Ph. 758 5093