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5 May 2007 - Alan Clarke's Rororua Marathon Commentary
Rotorua Marathon 28th April 2007
There is no other marathon in New Zealand to beat Rotorua for its atmosphere and support. All the way round you compete against other walkers, you get to talk to them along the way – or mainly grunt as you struggle through some of the hills. One of the best bits though is passing so many runners – how can they be struggling up the first hill at 10K? Yes this is a tough marathon, but you train accordingly. You can’t expect to conquer the hills of Rotorua if you haven’t trained for them. There is some spectacular scenery around this course and this time I was actually at ease enough through the top end of the lake to appreciate some of it.
Anybody contemplating a marathon should seriously look at Rotorua. It has everything, including this year once again starting and finishing in Government Gardens – there is something about going through the arch and viewing that finish line. On the way round you have bands, you have people partying – you can join them for a drink if you so wish. The halfway point was great – you could hear this from perhaps a Kilometre either side.
I was relaxed going into this Marathon. Our training had gone very well. This year I just accepted we were only going to train for 4 days a week and the most Ks in a week would be 65. Jeff designed a quality training program for us which basically cut out the rubbish days and focused on what we needed. We had 1 long walk on a Saturday (max 4 hours 30), a recovery session on a Sunday, a track evening or time trial and then reps. The reps I think were the big difference. This in the end was giving us another walk of 15 or 16K in a week, but enabled us to keep our speed, which you are in danger of losing if you concentrate purely on the long distance stuff. As I said I was reasonably confident because I had finished my longest walk 3 weeks earlier and had felt I still had another 2 or 3 K in me.
The day of the marathon dawned – wet! There were anxious moments the night before as heavy rain and strong winds were forecast. The question now was what to wear. It looked like rain for the whole day, so it was T shirt over a polyprop and a hat. On the way to the start, we very quickly realised that the conditions were perfect – yes it was raining, but not heavy and there was virtually no wind! It turned out that by 10K the rain had stopped and I had discarded my hat. At 14K I did a strip – I bared my rippling ab and pec for the entire world to see as I discarded the polyprop. You notice I didn’t use plural because it is all just one huge muscle mass, fine tuned by heavy weights (beer glass) and lighter weights (wine glass). The sun came out for the last 2 hours of the walk and I actually ended up getting sun burnt!
This year was the first time that walkers were being recognised. A competitive walking section with cups for the first male and female walker; donated by the NZRWA. Many thanks to the Scrutineers for travelling to Rotorua at their own cost and time to make such a success of this event. Well done to David Sim and Donna Roderick for their fine efforts to win the inaugural championship.
What a difference it made having the walkers start about a minute after the last runner headed away. We were at the front of the pack; you knew most of the walkers around you and knew straight away who you were competing against. I had estimated 5 hours 5 minutes this year, but was going to try for 5 hours. I had already decided I was doing my own race, it was tempting to try to walk with Denise Stewart Jacks, we had had friendly competitive rivalry through some of the training, but I am notorious for starting hard and fading. As we headed off out through Government Gardens I held my pace back. It was very tempting to go with Denise, but no – I knew my pace, I wanted 2 hours 30 at halfway to give myself a chance for 5 hours. I chose to not walk with anyone. Even if you walk with somebody else, the event is done in your head, so if anyone else was going at my pace, I would travel with them but all the time I was focused on the time I was trying to achieve. Along the way I walked with Peter Green, Andrew Shelly and Chris Aroa at various times. At halfway my pace was perfect, I clocked 2:30:10 and I still felt fresh. People were moaning about the hills as I passed them, but compared to our training they were pretty minor hills.
The last lot of hills (about 27K) before the long drag of the airport were also just taken in my stride; this is where I went past lots of runners. The worst part of this section is the surface of the road, it is a big chip and uneven. With tired hamstrings you tend to feel every lumpy bit as your feet don’t land evenly. 30 to 32K were my most anxious moments of the marathon; I told myself off quite severely (not sure if it was out loud); I may have been a bit tired, but for goodness sake I had done all that training to achieve a goal, what was a bit of tiredness! I took another leppin in at this time, had a half banana and started singing (in my head!) “I want my Molenberg”. I got going again and other than the last 3K, where you are allowed to be tired, I just kept on chugging.
The arches at Government Gardens are far more satisfying than those other “Golden” ones. You get an initial feeling of euphoria as you pass under them, you actually lift your pace for awhile and then realise you still have about 200 metres to go! I crossed the finish line in 5hours 3 minutes 10 seconds. Nearly 9 minutes off my PB, not quite the 5 hours, but better than estimate.
The whole Taranaki contingent did themselves proud. Denise Stewart-Jacks was second woman home in 4 hours 55, I could not have stayed with her, she was much too strong for me. Wayne Loveridge and Dave Wackrow walked extremely well and did 4 hours 53 minutes. Wayne’s time is especially remarkable because his knees tell him that he shouldn’t even be walking a marathon, let alone that sort of time! Dave Wackrow changed his technique just over a year ago, the way you walked Dave and the time you achieved – you should be very proud of yourself.
Valda and Lorraine walked about 34K together until Lorraine finally had enough of Valda’s singing and told her to go. Both did very well, Valda finished strongly and looked like she could just carry on, she was that fresh. Valda did 5 hours 11 and Lorraine 5 hours 15.
I never saw Tanya Campbell and Anne Fraser on the day. I met up with Tanya on the Thursday walk afterwards and she was buzzing and talking about doing the Wellington Marathon – so I guess it was just a walk in the park! Great time as well at 5 hours 27. Anne cramped badly at 31K, but got going again, which shows great strength of character. Anne ended up doing 5 hours 30 minutes, which is still a very good time. Now about this cramp – have you not tried Elete Mineral drops or CMD minerals – they have been a great help for me! See Rachael at the Health shop!
Once again our Taranaki Race Walking shirts were really noticed. We all got lots of comments during the Marathon – young, old, European, Maori. So many people encouraging us with “Go Taranaki”. I was told on several occasions that my mates weren’t far ahead of me and I could catch them if I tried – I just said “Yeah right!”
Many thanks to Gary and Bruce for the support you gave us. It made it so much easier knowing that I could throw my hat off, give you my wet polyprop and you had bananas and leppin for us.
Well done to all of the walkers, Scrutineers and supporters.
Oh and my apologies. My snoring at one point was so loud on the Friday night that I woke not only Bruce and Valda in my room, but Evan and Wayne in the room next door and Lorraine and Gary in the room above. So not only a PB in the walk, but also in the snoring championship.
Will I return next year? You just never know!
23 April 2007
News from Brian O'Shea who was over in Hastings for their half marathon. Apparently there will be no teams marathon this year. There will be a marathon and a half marathon. Those wanting to do the half marathon will be bused over to the half way point and they will strat from there. More news on this as it comes to hand.
2 April 2007
No sooner is track season over and its time to start the "Winter" program.
From this Tuesday (3 April 2007) we will be meeting at Energy City Harriers at 5:30pm. Some people ask why? Well it gives us walks we wouldn't normally do and also is good for inter club relationships. It shows that walkers aren't totally crazy (well some of us) and gives us a chance to help walkers from other clubs - e.g., Katie has joined us from Energy City.
Some of us are still into our Rotorua training, so will be a week or 3 before we meet you on a Tuesday.
Thursdays - 5:30 at the Park. All welcome.
The first walk of the TRWC season starts this Sunday - 9:00 start - meet East End reserve - Buller Street.
First event is not handicapped - just gives you all a warm up and allows the handicapper a chance to see whats what! Any sign of sand bagging will cost the culprit dearly in future races (but bottles of red wine could have the opposite effect).
Sponsorship - Big Thanks
The Club extends its thanks to the Taranaki Electricity Trust for its very generous sponsorship of the Club. The funding will be used for much needed road safety equipment. As a consequence of the Trust's generosity we will be safer this walking season. Thanks once again.
Thank you also to the New Zealand Community Trust for their grant for transport costs incurred on the Taupo Great Lake Relay.
AGM 21 March 2007
See the minutes page for the details arisng from the 2007 AGM.
New Zealand Racewalking Association
Inaugural National Teams Relay Championship
All the information on the NZRWA National Walks Relays – Entry Form, Race Rules, Program Details, Accommodation,& Course Map - now up on -
(Hosted by Wellington Scottish Athletics)
Sat/Sun 26/27 May 2007 at Trentham (Upper Hutt)
The Championship Event will consist of an Ekiden Relay (marathon distance split into six legs of 7.195k, 5k, 7.5k, 10k, 7.5k, & 5k.) There will be two Divisions –
“A” Division – For Racewalking Team – fully judged to IAAF Rules
“B” Division - For Free-stylers that must not lose contact i.e. bent knees (if necessary) but NO Jogging or Creeping.
Composite Teams – Groups of Walkers that may include Walkers from any Team in the “A” Div. or “B” Div. who wish to walk a second time. This is a good way of getting some extra walking for those that are keen to do so. Rules as for “B” Division.
“A” Division - All Team members MUST be either members of the NZRWA or Athletics NZ Registered Athletes AND be members of the Club. Where an Area (Waikato/BOP, Hawke Bay/Gisborne, Nelson, etc) may not have a Club that can enter a Team, an “Area” Team will be acceptable – OR when an Area (Centre) already has a Club Team entered, another Team made up of Walkers from any Clubs in the Area that cannot enter a full Team may join and enter an “Area” (Centre). An Example of this would be – say, Auckland had “Bays-Cougar” Club entered as a Team, an “Auckland” Team made up of Walkers from any Club may also enter as well.
“B” Division” – Teams may be made up of any Walker belonging to a Club, Centre, Walking Group or Group of friends. Examples could be –
Taranaki Racewalkers - (Club Team)
Nelson - (Centre Team
Walk for Health - (Walking Group)
Walk Ys - (Group of friends that do “special events – Taupo Relay, etc)
Composite Teams – Anyone can walk in these Teams including Walkers that have already walked in either of the “A” or “B” Division. Example of a Composite Team might be –
Three Walkers that arrive without a Team that get together with three Walkers from other Teams – just for a bit of fun. These Teams are not eligible for Trophies.
Get in touch NOW to join in this interesting Walking initiative - register your interest and we will send you all the information as it comes available.
Bart Jones
(04) 4773 746 – (027) 608 6111
David Lonsdale
(04) 977 8990 – (021) 620 428
What: Tony will be speaking publicly about the Commonwealth Games and race walking
When: Sunday 9th July at 2.00pm.
Where: Opunake Bowling Club Pavilion. Gisbourne Terrace
GOLD COIN DONATION Proceeds go towards Opunake Athletic Club.
Coaching session 28 May 2006. There is a coaching session at Inglewood track at 9:30 on Sunday 28th May. This will be run by Rachel and Colin. Doesn't matter whether you are new to Race walking, experienced or just want to walk faster - come along. Specific instruction given to sort out those individual problems! Forget Mexican food - Mexican drills to cure all ills!
Open Walk - 17 June 2006. An entry form for the Open Walk is available by clicking Here. The taffic management plan can be viewe here.
Rotorua Marathon - 29 April 2006. A great weekend was had by all - Alan Carke's report. Click Here Congratulatiuons to all those who particpated. We're looking forward to seeing many more ther enext year. A few photos have also been added to the report.
Wind wand walk - 9 April 2006. Good turn out with about 15 walking with a number in support. Good cross wind and wild sea. Waves crashing over the seawall in parts made it interesting. No shortage of salt for the walkers. Some were slipping on the smooth sections of walkway. Morning tea was at Vanessa's. Results to come - Photo on Photos page.
Note from Alan Clark:
For the next few weeks we are going to once again meet at Energy City Harriers (Calvert Road), on a Tuesday night - walk starting at 5:30 for roughly and hour. By meeting there we get a different variety of routes and there is always the chance of picking up new walkers. At this moment there will be 2 groups walking from there each Tuesday to cater for different speeds. If enough people turn up then this could become more.
Thursday night from the park at 5:30 - we currently have one group, but this could change if others want to come along.
Several of us currently meet at 7:00 a.m. on a Saturday from the park for a walk of about 2 hours (sometimes less). There are several other groups meeting as well. If you want a good walk on a Saturday, then remember there are always groups there. It maybe time to look at formalising this a bit with the other groups, so that we have fast, medium and slow - this of course depends on numbers. Thoughts on this please.
Anyway keep up the walking and hope to see you all at some of these walks.
The walking programme for 2006 has been finailsed. Go to the Events page to have a look at the full programme. We are trying something new this year - all events are to start at 9:00am (unless otherwise stated).
The first event of the year is coming up on Sunday 9 April 2006 along the coastal walkway in New Plymouth. This is a 5km event to ease us into the new season. We are starting this event at 8:00am to allow time for those who want to watch/participate in the Devon Mile to do both events. Everyone to meet at the East End Reserve Buller Street.
We had the AGM on Wednesday 26 March 2006. This year's officers and committee can be viewed on the Officers and Members page. Also on that page we are putting together a full list of members and email addresses. If anything is wrong or we'ved missed someone or you don't want your deatils published, please let me know by email.